The information we need from you to get started.
General Information
First we start by gathering your Company Name, Industry Type (SIC Code), Location(s), Number of Employees (S/F), Desired Specific Deductible(s), Contract Basis, Commissions Required, Effective Date, Aggregate Coverage Required and what benefits, and any miscellaneous request.
Census Info
Date of Birth
Single, EE/SP, EE/CH, Family Medical Coverage
Benefit plan election
Zip Codes if more than one location
Include dependent info (Member level census)
Itemization of Stock Claims
Individuals with claims in excess of the Specific Deductible over the past three policy periods (minimum two years required).
The most recent policy period should also include information on individuals with the potential to exceed the lowest Specific Deductible.
The most recent policy period should include claim details – diagnosis, prognosis, and future treatment.
Plan Document or Schedule of Current & Proposed Benefits
Current / Proposed
Aggregated Quote (If Required)
At least the most recent NINE months of MONTHLY paid claims and corresponding enrollment figures, PLUS
The PRIOR 12 months of MONTHLY paid claims and corresponding enrollment figures.
*Fully Insured Cases moving to Self-Funded
Normal Information needed to quote (census, benefit designs, SIC code, etc...) plus claims experience must be provided if available (state/carrier specific).
Fully insured current rates and renewal rates (excel format-see below) are required. Note: Quote can be issued with only current rates but will be subject to receiving renewal rates.